Marketing Secrets Revealed! Make People Listen to You Almost Every Time - "Like Magic!"

By: Yuki Shoji

Instead of you struggling to get others to hear what you have to say, how would you like to have those people waiting to listen to you? Wouldn't it make your presentation easier? Wouldn't you feel more comfortable? I bet you would!

...because so many times, people just aren't interested enough to find out what you have.

Good news! That problem is over! Starting today, you can apply the techniques I'll show and begin making the most of your time and effort. This simple technique not only increases your time efficiency, but also will build your relationship with people
you speak to, your confidence, and your credibility on every conversation you are going to make from now on.

The secret I am revealing today is a very practical technique which can be easily applied over the phone, or in a situation where you actually meet people.

Let's take a look at this very simple technique. You make the contact, give your greeting, and introduce yourself. Next you will start with something like this.

"I want to show you what I have to offer..." or "I would like to provide an overview of what we do ..."

and then say these magic words! Prepare for the magic! Ready?

"...but it could take 50 seconds of your time." and ask "When can you set aside 50 seconds of your time?"

The result? 90% of the time, people say "why don't you show me 'right now'". Why? Because they rather feel it's a waste of time if it's NOT right now.

And why 50 seconds? Well ... for one reason, he may not be able to waste a minute. But he may have "seconds" of his time for you ... presumably up to 60 seconds or more!

If you say "give me one minute" ... suddenly, that sounds more real. Psychologically, the minute he sees his watch, time is conceived important, as well as it's "limited". And statistically, people don't watch clock for "seconds" of time. This may simply because many clocks do not display seconds.

You could say "30 seconds", "40 seconds", or less, but can you really make presentation in that time frame? You don't want to be short of time and have them thinking you lied.

I figured out 50 seconds is the best chance. Another
psychological factor affecting this is that the sound 'fifty' may be confused with 'fifteen' ... and 'fifteen' is a quarter of a minute. His mind understands it's actually longer than 30 or
40 seconds, but people are often more accustomed to think in a way 'half an hour' 'quarter of an hour' and so on, ... that leads him to feel that he can spare such a short time with no problem.

And the best part is, you will get more attention from him because he is committed to give you 50 seconds!

Does it really work like this? Just try. You will start using it just like I've been using it for years. It was my best kept secret up until now.

Now you are left with this important question to answer "If I use these "magic words", do I need to make my presentation in 50 seconds?" The answer to this question completes and sophisticates your 50 seconds presentation. Once you have finished this, you will love how it works ... but it will take a
little effort on your part.

It's the power of the magic 50 seconds. Just like creating an ad, try to put what you need to say in less than a minute.
1) One sentence in what kind of business it is.
2) Few sentences on the features of the product/service you offer.
3) Rest of the time on the benefits. Tell them how he can change his life with your product/service and try to generate the 'desire'. If it's joint venture or MLM, don't forget to illustrate how he can
be successful.
If put together concisely, the whole
presentation should come up to around 50 to 70 seconds. Your presentation is now well organized and clearly states every point. If your customer asks more for more detail, that becomes 'his' request now. When that happens, he is asking for your
time, and you can spend time with him as much as he wants until he is sold.

This completes my system. I said 'system' and that's the 'key' to success. So tell me, can you afford to live in this competitive online marketing field without the right tool and right strategy?

Yuki Shoji, with consultant background and a degree in psychology, is now into online marketing business as a successful promoter. His recent marketing strategy ia revealed at Successful Home Business
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