What You Can Do With Your Autoresponder

By: Guy Mendelson

The most important role of your web site is capturing the email addresses of possible customers so that you can build your customer base. Your mailing list is your most important marketing tool. When customer names are entered into your database they are added to the appropriate list.

Once you have the email address of interested customers your autoresponder gets put to work. Get customers to your site any way you can. Customized newsletters and e-zines are also a wonderful way to get people to sign up and give you their email address. An email newsletter is a great way to stay in touch with your prospects.

What you can do with your Follow up autoresponder

Distribute information
You can distribute information by e-mail. Just set up the special e-mail address, load the reply in the autoresponder, and it is all automated from there.

Distribute automatic sequential
You can distribute automatic sequential replies to e-mail requests. Same as above but will generate numerous replies spread out over a specified time period.

Offer free email course
You can offer free email course. Load your autoresponder with a series of emails as a free course. Name it as 'Mini course to start Your own internet business from home in 7 days' or something like that. User should really get temptation to
subscribe for your course.

Follow up your customer
After your buyer purchase your product they will be landed on your subscription form. They will enter their name and email address.
They will be redirected to your download page. You can set a follow up emails at an interval of 7 or 15 days. Offer some discount in this follow up emails on your other product. Selling a product to your present customer is easier than searching for a new prospect.
In this method, you have to keep one form for each of your product.

Benefit from your Ezine articles
If you write ezine articles you can then load your follow up autoresponder with 5 - 10 ezine articles and put a subscribe link on your web pages or in your signature file. Send the link to publishers who are willing to receive your articles. Your articles will be delivered to the subscribers and publishers at an interval of 30 days or what ever time you set up here.

If you are serious about Internet Marketing, an autoresponder is a 'must have' tool, especially for saving time in following up on all your customers.

Guy Mendelson, www.great-money.net To subscribe to Guy Mendelson E-zine, send blank email to great-money4u@aweber.com for more info about autoresponders goto: www.great-money.net/autoresponder.html Guy Mendelson guyef@walla.com
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